10 October 2017

On Tuesday 7th November 2017, we will be holding our first ever Will Clinic at YMCA Manchester

Forming an integral part of our new YMCA Legacy campaign, we have partnered with Sharp Cross & Mann Solicitors who have agreed to kindly waive their usual fees and donate their time and expertise to support the event.


If you are interested in taking part then simply follow these easy steps:

  1. Please contact our legacies team via info@ymcamanchester.org.uk or call 0161 837 3515 to make your appointment.


  1. Appointments will last 30 minutes, during which you can discuss your situation with the solicitor who will draft your will accordingly


  1. Consider Leaving a legacy


Gifts in Wills known as legacies are a vital source of funding for YMCA Manchester. These gifts help our Youth and Community Team provide health and wellbeing opportunities and inclusive accredited training and education for vulnerable young people locally. There is no obligation to leave a gift to YMCA Manchester in your will but if you would like to then Sharp Cross & Mann can help.


  1. Make a donation if you wish to do so

Finally, at the end of your appointment the solicitor will give you a YMCA Manchester Supporter envelope.  This is your opportunity to directly impact our work by making a donation of your choice.


We look forward to welcoming you on the 7th November


Thank you for your support

YMCA Manchester